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Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

Contoh Proposal Kegiatan

Proposal Kegiatan
Pelaksanaan Lomba Kebersihan Antar Kelas di MA Purnama Kendal

A.      Pendahuluan
Menjaga kebersihan adalah salah satu bentuk keggiatan yang dapat mempercepat hubungan antar sesame personal, khususnya siswa Ma Kendal. Setiap orang selalu mendambakan lingkungannya yang bersih. Kebersihan lingkungan kelas menjadi tanggung jawab penghuni kelas. Hal ini bertujuan menjadikan siswa atau guru merasa nyaman didalam kelas. Oleh karena itu, diadakannya lomba kebersihan kelas demi kenyamanan semua penghuni kelas.
B.      Perumusan Masalah
Ma Purnama di Kendal ini merupakan salah satu Ma yang peduli akan kebersihan dan kesehatan. Selama ini siswa-siswa di Ma Purrnama Kendal menyempatkan waktu untuk membersihkan kelas setiap harinya, baik sebelum Jam pelajaran dimulai maupun setelah jam pelajaran berkhir. Ma Purnama yang memiliki enam belas kelas ini menempati satu lokasi saling berekatan. Hal ini menyebabkan para siswa dapat melihat kebersihan di kelas satu dengan kelas yang lain. Oleh karena itu, lomba kebersihan ini diadakan.
                Lomba ini diadakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan berikut.
1.       Bagaimana cara siswa dalam membersihkan kelas masing-masing?
2.       Apa saja yang memotivasi siswa untuk menjaga kebesihan lingkungan kelas?
C.      Tujuan
Tujuan diadakan lomba kebersihan antar kelas siswa di Ma Purnama Kendal antara lain sebagai berikut.
1.       Mengetahui cara siswa dalam membersihkan kelas masing-masing.
2.       Mengetahui motivasi siswa dalam menjaga kebersihan lingkungan kelas.
D.      Sasaran
Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah siswa Ma Purnama Kendal baik kelas X, XI, maupun kelas XII.
E.       Pelaksanaan
Teknik pelaksanaan lomba kebersihan kelas dapat diuraikan sebagai berikut.
1.       Setiap kelas membersihkan dan mempercantik ruangannya.
2.       Diadakan penilaian terhadap hasil kerja keras para siswa dari segi penataan ruang dan kebersihan ruang kelas.
F.       Jadwal Pelaksanaan
Lomba kebersihan antar kelas akan dilakukan pada hari sabtu, tamggal 24 September 2010 pada pukul 07.00 samapi pukul 12.00
G.     Anggaran Pelaksanaan
Anggaran yang akan dikeluarkan untuk perlombaan kebersihan antar kelas ini adalah sebagai berikut.
a.                Honor Juri @ Rp 200.00,00 x 2       = Rp   400.000,00
b.               Hadiah dan piagam penghargaan               = Rp   800.000,00
c.                Konsumsi Juri @ Rp 10.000,00      = Rp     40.000,00
d.               Lain-lain                                                                = Rp   260.000,00 +
            Jumlah total                                         = Rp 1.500,00,00
H.      Penutup
                      Demikian proposal ini kami ajukan. Semoga proposal ini dapat diseutujui.

Kendal, 6 Agustus 2011
Nur Hidayatullah

Ketua Panitia




Subastian Putra
Pembina OSIS MA Purnama Kendal

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Ds. Blawong Kec. Pager Kendal 51361

Nomor : 001/ I KAI /2012                                                        Blawong, 07 Juli 2012
Lamp   : 1 lembar                                                                     Kepada  Yth Saudara / I :
Hal       : Undangan                                                                  …………………
                                                                                                Di tempat

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Puja dan puji syukur snantiasa kita panjatkan kehadirat Allah AWT yang selalu memberi kita karunia, taufiq dan hidayahNya. Dan tak lupa dalam menjaga tali silaaturrahim, yang sebagaimana telah diperintahkan dan menjadi kerukunan diantara kita semua. Untuk itu, kami selaku panitia reuni telah bersepakat untuk memperkuat tali silaturrahmi. Dan acara tersebut akan dilaksanakan pada :

Hari                             : Kamis
Tanggal                        : 23 Agustus2012
Waktu                         : Jam 06.30 WIB s/d selesai
Tempat                        : Pantai Sendang Sikucing Weleri Kendal
Acara / Keperluan        : Temu kangen alumni MTs " KASIH IBU " angkatan 2010 – 2012
Keterangan                  : Harap tepat waktu
                                      (berkumpul dahulu di depan gedung MTs " KASIH IBU " Blawong )

Rincian Anggaran Dana / Administrasi Reuni :
1.      Snack                           : Rp.   3.000
2.      Transportasi                 : Rp. 10.000
3.      Tiket masuk                  : Rp.   7.000
4.      Perlengkapan                : Rp.   5.000
: Rp. 25.000

NB :
1)      Pengumpulan dana kepada saudara :
a)      Khamdani
b)      Reni
c)      Lailatur R.
2)      Iuran paling lambat pada tanggal 10 Agustus 2012
3)      Bagi saudara / I yang tidak ikut, dimohon untuk administrasi dengan uang sebesar : Rp. 10.000,-

Demikian surat undangan ini, kemudian atas perhatian dan kehadirannya kami sampaikan banyak terima kasih

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

              Ketua Panitia                                Ketua IKAI                                        Sekertaris

NUR HIDAYATULLAH          M. ZAIDIN                         MAEMUN KHASANAH

Huruf A-Z

[[107015582669715]] = A
[[116067591741123]] = B
[[115602405121532]] = C
[[112542438763744]] = D
[[115430438474268]] = E
[[109225112442557]] = F
[[111532845537326]] = G
[[111356865552629]] = H
[[109294689102123]] = I
[[115636698451811]] = J
[[116651741681944]] = K
[[115807951764667]] = L
[[106596672714242]] = M
[[108634132504932]] = N
[[116564658357124]] = O
[[111669128857397]] = P
[[107061805996548]] = Q
[[106699962703083]] = R
[[115927268419031]] = S
[[112669162092780]] = T
[[108983579135532]] = U
[[107023745999320]] = V
[[106678406038354]] = W
[[116740548336581]] = X
[[112416755444217]] = Y

XAT emoticon
[[xated]] = (xat)
[[xatpray]] = (pray)
[[xatredface]] = (redface)
[[xatmaniac]] = (maniac)
[[xatsmirk]] = (smirk)
[[xatshock]] = (shock)
[[xatmad]] = (mad)
[[xatxd]] = (xd)
[[xatcrying]] = (crying)
[[xatwary]] = (wary)

Kaskus Chat

Kaskus Repost: [[243344945733611]]
Kaskus Maho: [[mahochat]]
Kaskus Bingung: [[205827876172490]]
Kaskus Like: [[261018420628968]]
Kaskus Nope: [[328740787138287]]
Kaksus Capedehh: [[296027833771776]]
Kaskus 4L4y: [[311851138846391]]
Kaskus Ngakak: [[guengakak]]
I Love Kaskus: [[203443053077888]]

Kamis, 03 Mei 2012


Ebiet G. Ade

Ebiet G. Ade (born in Wanadadi, Banjarnegara, Central Java, 21 April 1954; age 56 years) is a singer and songwriter of Indonesian nationality. Ebiet known for his songs with the theme of nature and the grief suffered marginalized groups. Through songs that were ballad genre, at the beginning of his career, he was 'taking' an atmosphere of Indonesian life in the late 1970s until the present. The theme song variety, not only about love, still there are also nature-themed songs, socio-politics, disasters, religious, family, etc.. The touch of his music had pushed an update on the world of pop music of Indonesia. All the songs he wrote himself, he never sings the song created by someone else, except God's blessing wading song co-written by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
Born the son of Abid Ghoffar Aboe Dja'far in Wanadadi, Banjarnegara is the youngest of 6 brothers, sons Aboe Dja'far, a civil servant, and Sauda, ​​a cloth merchant. In the past he harbored a lot of ideals, such as engineers, doctors, painters. Everything is off the mark, Ebiet even so the singer - although he preferred to called a poet because of his background in the world of art which originated from kepenyairan
After graduating from elementary school, signed Ebiet PGAN (Education Master of Religious Affairs) Banjarnegara. Unfortunately he did not feel at home so moved to Yogyakarta. Muhammadiyah junior high school at 3 and went on to SMA Muhammadiyah I. There he was active in the PII (Indonesian Islamic Student). However, he can not go to college to the Faculty of Economics, University of Gadjah Mada in the absence of cost. He prefers to join vocal group when his father, who retired gave him an option: Ebiet enter FE UGM or sister who passed the exam just finishedan undergraduate at the University of General Sudirman, Purwokerto

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein (born in Ulm, Kingdom of Württemberg, German Empire, March 14, 1879 - died in Princeton, New Jersey, United States, 18 April 1955 at age 76 years) is a theoretical physicist who is widely regarded as the greatest scientist in a century 20. He put forward the theory of relativity and also greatly contributed to the development of quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and cosmology. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect and "for his services to Theoretical Physics".
Having formulated the theory of general relativity, Einstein became famous throughout the world, an unusual achievement for a scientist. In his old age, his fame exceeded the fame of all scientists in history, and in popular culture, says Einstein is considered synonymous with intelligence or Having formulated the theory of general relativity, Einstein became famous throughout the world, an unusual achievement for a scientist. In his old age, his fame exceeded the fame of all scientists in history, and in popular culture, says Einstein is considered synonymous with intelligence or even genius. His face is one of the most known around the world.


Iwan Fals is the full name Virgiawan Listanto (born 3 September 1961 in Jakarta) is a wing ballad singer who became one of Indonesia's living legend. Through his songs, Iwan ambiance of social life of Indonesia (especially Jakarta) in the late 1970s until the present. The criticism of the behavior of a group of people (such as songs Representatives and Aunt Lisa), empathy for marginalized groups (eg song Siang Seberang Istana and Lonteku), or major disasters that hit Indonesia (or sometimes outside Indonesia, such as songs Ethiopia) dominate theme songs that brings.

Contoh sinopsis

Ahmad Dhani

Dhani Ahmad Prasetyo (born May 26, 1972 in Surabaya), better known as Ahmad Dhani or Dhani Manaf, is an Indonesian rock musician, songwriter, arranger, and producer. Described as a "rock star", Dhani is the frontman of Dewa 19 and Ahmad Band, and also a member of inter-continental band The Rock. He is also the owner and chairman of Republic Cinta Management.
Throughout his career, Dhani has scored many hits and also has been a talent promoter for the careers of other artist including Maia Ahmad, Agnes Monica, Alexa Key and Mulan Jameela, and has written songs for these artists and others. He has won numerous awards including the IMA best musical arrangement and best producer and many other awards as the member of Dewa 19. His influence in the industry made him one of the most influential musician in Southeast Asia.
Ahmad Dhani was the first child of three children of the marriage between Eddy Abdul Manaf, an Indonesian Diplomat with Joyce Theresia Pamela Kohler, an Indonesian of German-Jewish descent. His grandfather, Friederich Kohler was a German Jew who fled to Indonesia to escape Nazi rule. Dhani stepsister, Dadang S. Manaf is an acknowledged Indonesian musician and is a big influence on Dhani musical interest since his childhood. Dhani's father bought him a keyboard when he was young and paid for musical lessons, highly persuading him and hoping Dhani would excel in classical music.
Dhani musical talent began to show when he still in secondory school. Along with his friends Andra Junaidi, Erwin Prasetya, and Henry Juniarso, he formed the band Dewa 19 {ofter referred to as Dewa} in 1986 of which Dhani act as a vocalist and keyboardist. Highly interested in music, Dhani often skip school just to hang out with his friends and play musical instruments at Henry's house in the area of Airlangga University complex.